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Frequently Asked Questions

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To review our library of Frequently Asked Questions, please select one of the 6 categories listed below. 

Each category will display a set of questions pertaining to that category only. 

You can also use the magnifying icon        (top right-hand corner) to search for a specific question.

  • How do I access the NIC Agent App ?
    The log in panel at the top right hand corner of this website. You can also access the application using the following URL:
  • How do I access the NIC Agent App ?
    The log in panel at the top right hand corner of this website. You can also access the application using the following URL:
  • How do I access the NIC Agent App ?
    The log in panel at the top right hand corner of this website. You can also access the application using the following URL:
  • How much does it cost?
    Your Distributor has paid for your access to the base program but there are additional premium features that you can subscribe for separately. To learn more about what is included in the base subscription and what additional premium features are available visit the Agent Programs & Pricing page.
  • How much does it cost?
    Your Distributor has paid for your access to the base program but there are additional premium features that you can subscribe for separately. To learn more about what is included in the base subscription and what additional premium features are available visit the Agent Programs & Pricing page.
  • How much does it cost?
    Your Distributor has paid for your access to the base program but there are additional premium features that you can subscribe for separately. To learn more about what is included in the base subscription and what additional premium features are available visit the Agent Programs & Pricing page.
  • How do I bookmark the NIC Agent site on my computer?
    On your computer, open your browser. For Chrome: Go to To the right of the address bar, click Star . For Safari: Go to Go to the Bookmark menu and click Add Bookmark. Choose where to add the bookmark, and rename it if you like. Click Add. For Edge: Go to Select the Add this page to favorites button in the address bar. Rename the favorite (if you want to) and/or choose a different folder to save it in, Select Done. For Firefox: Go to Click on the menu button. , and then click Save Page As . ... In the dialog window, type in a name for the page you want to save and choose a location. ... Click Save. NOTE: When you are saving the links the name will automatically appear as 'Insured Connect'. You can rename the link by changing the name to NIC or save it as is.
  • How do I bookmark the NIC Agent site on my computer?
    On your computer, open your browser. For Chrome: Go to To the right of the address bar, click Star . For Safari: Go to Go to the Bookmark menu and click Add Bookmark. Choose where to add the bookmark, and rename it if you like. Click Add. For Edge: Go to Select the Add this page to favorites button in the address bar. Rename the favorite (if you want to) and/or choose a different folder to save it in, Select Done. For Firefox: Go to Click on the menu button. , and then click Save Page As . ... In the dialog window, type in a name for the page you want to save and choose a location. ... Click Save. NOTE: When you are saving the links the name will automatically appear as 'Insured Connect'. You can rename the link by changing the name to NIC or save it as is.
  • How do I bookmark the NIC Agent site on my computer?
    On your computer, open your browser. For Chrome: Go to To the right of the address bar, click Star . For Safari: Go to Go to the Bookmark menu and click Add Bookmark. Choose where to add the bookmark, and rename it if you like. Click Add. For Edge: Go to Select the Add this page to favorites button in the address bar. Rename the favorite (if you want to) and/or choose a different folder to save it in, Select Done. For Firefox: Go to Click on the menu button. , and then click Save Page As . ... In the dialog window, type in a name for the page you want to save and choose a location. ... Click Save. NOTE: When you are saving the links the name will automatically appear as 'Insured Connect'. You can rename the link by changing the name to NIC or save it as is.
  • How do I reset my password?
    To reset you password: Log into the NIC Agent app Select your profile picture or logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will redirect you to your setting page. Scroll down to the section titled Security and Login, where you will see a heading titled 'Password'. Select edit Enter your current password and click on Unlock. On the next page you will be prompted to enter your existing password, followed by a new password. Please note that the new password must be a minimum of 12 characters. Click on Save button
  • How do I reset my password?
    To reset you password: Log into the NIC Agent app Select your profile picture or logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will redirect you to your setting page. Scroll down to the section titled Security and Login, where you will see a heading titled 'Password'. Select edit Enter your current password and click on Unlock. On the next page you will be prompted to enter your existing password, followed by a new password. Please note that the new password must be a minimum of 12 characters. Click on Save button
  • How do I reset my password?
    To reset you password: Log into the NIC Agent app Select your profile picture or logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will redirect you to your setting page. Scroll down to the section titled Security and Login, where you will see a heading titled 'Password'. Select edit Enter your current password and click on Unlock. On the next page you will be prompted to enter your existing password, followed by a new password. Please note that the new password must be a minimum of 12 characters. Click on Save button
  • Can I change my username?
    Your username is your email address and therefore cannot be changed by you, it requires authorization from your Relationship Manager. This is done for security purposes. If your email has changed and your username needs to be changed, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • Can I change my username?
    Your username is your email address and therefore cannot be changed by you, it requires authorization from your Relationship Manager. This is done for security purposes. If your email has changed and your username needs to be changed, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • Can I change my username?
    Your username is your email address and therefore cannot be changed by you, it requires authorization from your Relationship Manager. This is done for security purposes. If your email has changed and your username needs to be changed, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • What if the email address used to invite me to the site is no longer used?
    Please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager for more information. Your Relationship Manager will work with NIC to get the issues resolved.
  • What if the email address used to invite me to the site is no longer used?
    Please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager for more information. Your Relationship Manager will work with NIC to get the issues resolved.
  • What if the email address used to invite me to the site is no longer used?
    Please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager for more information. Your Relationship Manager will work with NIC to get the issues resolved.
  • What if I want to change the email address used on the website?
    Please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager for more information.
  • What if I want to change the email address used on the website?
    Please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager for more information.
  • What if I want to change the email address used on the website?
    Please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager for more information.
  • How do I change the mobile number I use to authenticate on NIC?
    To change the mobile number you have for authentication within NIC first, Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will redirect you to your settings page. Scroll down to the Security and Login section and then Change Authentication Number subsection. Under Change Authentication Number, click on the Edit button. This will prompt you to enter your current password. Click the Unlock button. On the next page, you will see a half encrypted view of your current phone number being used, followed by a spot below to enter a new phone number. Enter your new phone number in the box Click the Update button
  • How do I change the mobile number I use to authenticate on NIC?
    To change the mobile number you have for authentication within NIC first, Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will redirect you to your settings page. Scroll down to the Security and Login section and then Change Authentication Number subsection. Under Change Authentication Number, click on the Edit button. This will prompt you to enter your current password. Click the Unlock button. On the next page, you will see a half encrypted view of your current phone number being used, followed by a spot below to enter a new phone number. Enter your new phone number in the box Click the Update button
  • How do I change the mobile number I use to authenticate on NIC?
    To change the mobile number you have for authentication within NIC first, Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will redirect you to your settings page. Scroll down to the Security and Login section and then Change Authentication Number subsection. Under Change Authentication Number, click on the Edit button. This will prompt you to enter your current password. Click the Unlock button. On the next page, you will see a half encrypted view of your current phone number being used, followed by a spot below to enter a new phone number. Enter your new phone number in the box Click the Update button
  • How do I add my firm logo?
    To upload your firm's logo log into the NIC Agent app: Click on your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear, click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Settings page. Scroll down to the section titled Logo and click on the Browse button. From the pop-up window select the 'file' from your explorer or finder that contains the image that you want to use (i.e. your logo) . The logo must be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file smaller than 10MB and at least 50px by 50px Click on the Upload button Adjust your logo to fit inside the frame and then click on Done
  • How do I add my firm logo?
    To upload your firm's logo log into the NIC Agent app: Click on your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear, click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Settings page. Scroll down to the section titled Logo and click on the Browse button. From the pop-up window select the 'file' from your explorer or finder that contains the image that you want to use (i.e. your logo) . The logo must be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file smaller than 10MB and at least 50px by 50px Click on the Upload button Adjust your logo to fit inside the frame and then click on Done
  • How do I add my firm logo?
    To upload your firm's logo log into the NIC Agent app: Click on your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear, click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Settings page. Scroll down to the section titled Logo and click on the Browse button. From the pop-up window select the 'file' from your explorer or finder that contains the image that you want to use (i.e. your logo) . The logo must be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file smaller than 10MB and at least 50px by 50px Click on the Upload button Adjust your logo to fit inside the frame and then click on Done
  • How do I upload my photo?
    To upload your photo into the NIC Agent app: Click on your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear, click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Settings page. Scroll down to the section titled Profile and click on the Browse button. From the pop-up window select the 'file' from your explorer or finder that contains the image that you want to use (i.e. your photo) . The photo must be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file smaller than 10MB and at least 50px by 50px Click on the Upload button Adjust your logo to fit inside the frame and then click on Done
  • How do I upload my photo?
    To upload your photo into the NIC Agent app: Click on your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear, click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Settings page. Scroll down to the section titled Profile and click on the Browse button. From the pop-up window select the 'file' from your explorer or finder that contains the image that you want to use (i.e. your photo) . The photo must be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file smaller than 10MB and at least 50px by 50px Click on the Upload button Adjust your logo to fit inside the frame and then click on Done
  • How do I upload my photo?
    To upload your photo into the NIC Agent app: Click on your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear, click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Settings page. Scroll down to the section titled Profile and click on the Browse button. From the pop-up window select the 'file' from your explorer or finder that contains the image that you want to use (i.e. your photo) . The photo must be a JPG, JPEG or PNG file smaller than 10MB and at least 50px by 50px Click on the Upload button Adjust your logo to fit inside the frame and then click on Done
  • How do I update my address
    To update your address, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • How do I update my address
    To update your address, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • How do I update my address
    To update your address, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • How do I update my contact information
    To update your contact information, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • How do I update my contact information
    To update your contact information, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • How do I update my contact information
    To update your contact information, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager.
  • Who can see my profile?
    Your Distributor and any Carriers that you do business with can see your profile. Your Distributor will see all in force policies that you wrote through them. Each Carrier will see the policies that you wrote with them. A Distributor cannot see policies that you wrote with another Distributor. A Carrier cannot see policies that you have with other Carriers.
  • Who can see my profile?
    Your Distributor and any Carriers that you do business with can see your profile. Your Distributor will see all in force policies that you wrote through them. Each Carrier will see the policies that you wrote with them. A Distributor cannot see policies that you wrote with another Distributor. A Carrier cannot see policies that you have with other Carriers.
  • Who can see my profile?
    Your Distributor and any Carriers that you do business with can see your profile. Your Distributor will see all in force policies that you wrote through them. Each Carrier will see the policies that you wrote with them. A Distributor cannot see policies that you wrote with another Distributor. A Carrier cannot see policies that you have with other Carriers.
  • Where can I find a list of all of the features and functions?
    For a complete list of features visit Agent Programs & Pricing page. Your Distributor has paid for your access to the base program but there are additional premium features that you can subscribe for separately. To learn more about what is included in the base subscription and what additional premium features are available visit the Agent Programs & Pricing page.
  • Where can I find a list of all of the features and functions?
    For a complete list of features visit Agent Programs & Pricing page. Your Distributor has paid for your access to the base program but there are additional premium features that you can subscribe for separately. To learn more about what is included in the base subscription and what additional premium features are available visit the Agent Programs & Pricing page.
  • Where can I find a list of all of the features and functions?
    For a complete list of features visit Agent Programs & Pricing page. Your Distributor has paid for your access to the base program but there are additional premium features that you can subscribe for separately. To learn more about what is included in the base subscription and what additional premium features are available visit the Agent Programs & Pricing page.
  • What is included in my free subscription?
    Your free subscription includes access to your in force life insurance data for all of your Distributor partners (BGAs, IMOs and other) who are currently subscribed to the NIC Platform.
  • What is included in my free subscription?
    Your free subscription includes access to your in force life insurance data for all of your Distributor partners (BGAs, IMOs and other) who are currently subscribed to the NIC Platform.
  • What is included in my free subscription?
    Your free subscription includes access to your in force life insurance data for all of your Distributor partners (BGAs, IMOs and other) who are currently subscribed to the NIC Platform.
  • How do I subscribe for the additional programs such as data extract, policy watch and annuity data?
    You can subscribe for the additional premium features through the application. Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. This page describes your current active subscriptions as well as Additional Products to Purchase To subscribe for the Annuity Data Program: The Annuity Data Program provides you with access to your in force annuity contracts for; i) all Annuity Carriers on NIC, and ii) all contracts written through any of your upline BGAs, IMOs and other Distributors that are also on NIC. To see your data both the Carrier and your upline distributor must be on NIC. To learn more about the annuity data program visit the Program & Pricing page. Note: you will not see in force annuity data if the Carrier is not on NIC or if your upline BGA or IMO is not on NIC. For a list of Annuity Carriers visit the Business Development Center page. The best way to determine if your upline BGA or IMO is on NIC contact your BGA or IMO account representative. If they are not on NIC you can refer them to us and we will do our best to get them set up. To refer your Distributor partner to us please visit the Agent Innovation Home page - Working together sub-section. To subscribe for Policy Watch: Policy Watch enables you to monitor your in force book for policy changes. To learn more about policy Watch visit the Programs & Pricing page. To subscribe for Data Extracts: The Data Extract Program enables you to download you in force policies into a .csv and excel format. To learn more about the Data Extract Program visit the Programs & Pricing page.
  • How do I subscribe for the additional programs such as data extract, policy watch and annuity data?
    You can subscribe for the additional premium features through the application. Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. This page describes your current active subscriptions as well as Additional Products to Purchase To subscribe for the Annuity Data Program: The Annuity Data Program provides you with access to your in force annuity contracts for; i) all Annuity Carriers on NIC, and ii) all contracts written through any of your upline BGAs, IMOs and other Distributors that are also on NIC. To see your data both the Carrier and your upline distributor must be on NIC. To learn more about the annuity data program visit the Program & Pricing page. Note: you will not see in force annuity data if the Carrier is not on NIC or if your upline BGA or IMO is not on NIC. For a list of Annuity Carriers visit the Business Development Center page. The best way to determine if your upline BGA or IMO is on NIC contact your BGA or IMO account representative. If they are not on NIC you can refer them to us and we will do our best to get them set up. To refer your Distributor partner to us please visit the Agent Innovation Home page - Working together sub-section. To subscribe for Policy Watch: Policy Watch enables you to monitor your in force book for policy changes. To learn more about policy Watch visit the Programs & Pricing page. To subscribe for Data Extracts: The Data Extract Program enables you to download you in force policies into a .csv and excel format. To learn more about the Data Extract Program visit the Programs & Pricing page.
  • How do I subscribe for the additional programs such as data extract, policy watch and annuity data?
    You can subscribe for the additional premium features through the application. Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. This page describes your current active subscriptions as well as Additional Products to Purchase To subscribe for the Annuity Data Program: The Annuity Data Program provides you with access to your in force annuity contracts for; i) all Annuity Carriers on NIC, and ii) all contracts written through any of your upline BGAs, IMOs and other Distributors that are also on NIC. To see your data both the Carrier and your upline distributor must be on NIC. To learn more about the annuity data program visit the Program & Pricing page. Note: you will not see in force annuity data if the Carrier is not on NIC or if your upline BGA or IMO is not on NIC. For a list of Annuity Carriers visit the Business Development Center page. The best way to determine if your upline BGA or IMO is on NIC contact your BGA or IMO account representative. If they are not on NIC you can refer them to us and we will do our best to get them set up. To refer your Distributor partner to us please visit the Agent Innovation Home page - Working together sub-section. To subscribe for Policy Watch: Policy Watch enables you to monitor your in force book for policy changes. To learn more about policy Watch visit the Programs & Pricing page. To subscribe for Data Extracts: The Data Extract Program enables you to download you in force policies into a .csv and excel format. To learn more about the Data Extract Program visit the Programs & Pricing page.
  • How much does the Annuity program cost?
    The Annuity Data Program costs $6.25 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes an unlimited number of annuity contracts and access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How much does the Annuity program cost?
    The Annuity Data Program costs $6.25 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes an unlimited number of annuity contracts and access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How much does the Annuity program cost?
    The Annuity Data Program costs $6.25 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes an unlimited number of annuity contracts and access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How do I subscribe to the Annuity program?
    To subscribe for the annuity data program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Annuity Data Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How do I subscribe to the Annuity program?
    To subscribe for the annuity data program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Annuity Data Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How do I subscribe to the Annuity program?
    To subscribe for the annuity data program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Annuity Data Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How much does the Data Extract program cost?
    The Data Extract Program costs $4.17 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How much does the Data Extract program cost?
    The Data Extract Program costs $4.17 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How much does the Data Extract program cost?
    The Data Extract Program costs $4.17 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How do I subscribe to the Data Extract program?
    To subscribe for the data extract program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Data Extract Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How do I subscribe to the Data Extract program?
    To subscribe for the data extract program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Data Extract Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How do I subscribe to the Data Extract program?
    To subscribe for the data extract program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Data Extract Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How much does Policy Watch cost?
    Policy Watch costs $4.17 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How much does Policy Watch cost?
    Policy Watch costs $4.17 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How much does Policy Watch cost?
    Policy Watch costs $4.17 per month, the minimum subscription is for 12 months. This includes access for an unlimited number of your support staff.
  • How do I subscribe for Policy Watch?
    To subscribe for the Policy Watch program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Policy Watch Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How do I subscribe for Policy Watch?
    To subscribe for the Policy Watch program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Policy Watch Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • How do I subscribe for Policy Watch?
    To subscribe for the Policy Watch program: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Subscriptions link and this will redirect you to a Subscriptions Page. In the Policy Watch Program section, click on the Subscribe Now button. A pop up window with additional details will appear. Click on the Confirm button and this will launch you into our payments platform. You have couple of options to pay: pay with LINK: if you have account with LINK you will automatically receive a 6 digit code to your cell phone that's associated with the account. You will automatically be validated and subscribed. pay with Card: if you don't have LINK account, you can still purchase the program by clicking on 'Pay without link' button located at the bottom. Enter your card information and click on Subscribe. You will receive a subscription confirmation email and the program you have subscribed for will automatically be turned on for you.
  • What happens after my 12 month subscription runs out, how do I keep my subscription going?
    After the 12 months you will receive an email from Insured Connect (Stripe) with a renewal invoice. On the invoice you will find 'Pay online' link that you click. Once you click on the link, you will be taken to online payment page where you will be asked to enter your credit card information and subscribe. Once the payment is complete you will receive another email with your receipt and confirmation to your renewal.
  • What happens after my 12 month subscription runs out, how do I keep my subscription going?
    After the 12 months you will receive an email from Insured Connect (Stripe) with a renewal invoice. On the invoice you will find 'Pay online' link that you click. Once you click on the link, you will be taken to online payment page where you will be asked to enter your credit card information and subscribe. Once the payment is complete you will receive another email with your receipt and confirmation to your renewal.
  • What happens after my 12 month subscription runs out, how do I keep my subscription going?
    After the 12 months you will receive an email from Insured Connect (Stripe) with a renewal invoice. On the invoice you will find 'Pay online' link that you click. Once you click on the link, you will be taken to online payment page where you will be asked to enter your credit card information and subscribe. Once the payment is complete you will receive another email with your receipt and confirmation to your renewal.
  • How do I cancel my 'additional' programs?
    If you wish to cancel your subscription to any of the additional programs that you have purchased: Log into the NIC Advisor application On the top right-hand corner click on the circle with your image or your initials From the drop-down menu, click on Subscriptions On the Subscriptions page, find the program you wish to cancel and click on Cancel Subscription button Confirm your cancelation You will receive a confirmation email confirming your cancelation.
  • How do I cancel my 'additional' programs?
    If you wish to cancel your subscription to any of the additional programs that you have purchased: Log into the NIC Advisor application On the top right-hand corner click on the circle with your image or your initials From the drop-down menu, click on Subscriptions On the Subscriptions page, find the program you wish to cancel and click on Cancel Subscription button Confirm your cancelation You will receive a confirmation email confirming your cancelation.
  • How do I cancel my 'additional' programs?
    If you wish to cancel your subscription to any of the additional programs that you have purchased: Log into the NIC Advisor application On the top right-hand corner click on the circle with your image or your initials From the drop-down menu, click on Subscriptions On the Subscriptions page, find the program you wish to cancel and click on Cancel Subscription button Confirm your cancelation You will receive a confirmation email confirming your cancelation.
  • Where can I find training or user materials to help us utilize the application?
    To find out more on how to utilize NIC Agent App to the fullest, please visit the Getting Started page.
  • Where can I find training or user materials to help us utilize the application?
    To find out more on how to utilize NIC Agent App to the fullest, please visit the Getting Started page.
  • Where can I find training or user materials to help us utilize the application?
    To find out more on how to utilize NIC Agent App to the fullest, please visit the Getting Started page.
  • How to I grant access to my support staff to access NIC?
    In order to grant access to your support staff you need to invite them to the platform. To invite your support staff: Click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Settings page. Select the Share Access tab and click the Enable editing box at the top of the page. Re-enter your password in the System Authorization window and select Unlock. Enter your support staff information including their name and email address as well as a security question and answer. click the Link Admin button located on the bottom right of the page. NOTE: Be sure to text or email the security question answer to your support staff, they will need this information to set up their access. The support staff user will receive an automatic email from NIC. The email will include a link to a NIC Set Up process. The set up process requires the support staff user to: answer the security question, set the password and enter their cell phone number for verification purposes. Once the setup is complete, your support staff will be granted access to your book. For more information on inviting support staff: Watch a video: Download a guide:
  • How do I revoke access for my support staff?
    To revoke access for your support staff: click your profile picture or logo located in the top right corner of your screen. A drop down menu will appear. Click on the Settings link and this will redirect you to your General Setting page. Select the Share Access tab and click the Enable editing box at the top of the page. Re-enter your password in the System Authorization window and select Unlock. Scroll down to the Account Users section and locate the support staff for whom you want to revoke access. Click on the 3 dots under the action column, beside the name of the users whose access you want to revoke Select Revoke Access.
  • What will my support staff see?
    When you grant access to your support staff they are able to see your entire book of business including all clients, all policies, and all documents across all upline Distributors that you do business with, as long as those Distributors are on NIC.
  • Can I share documents with anyone on the app?
    No, you can only share documents with your downline. For example: An agent can share documents with their support staff. In the future we do plan to add a feature that allows you to share documents with your Distributors and Carriers.
  • How do I remove a users access for viewing my files?
    To remove a users access to your files in NIC: Select your profile picture or logo located in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will redirect you to your setting page. You will see 3 sections titled, General Settings, Shared Access, and Managed Accounts. Click on Shared Access. Scroll down to a section titled Account Users. These are people you have granted access to view your files. Navigate through the listed contacts and find the user you wish to revoke access from. Under the column title Action, click on the kebab menu (3 dots) Select Revoke Access.
  • If I have questions about how to use the app, who should I contact?
    This site includes multiple videos and information on how to use the NIC Agent App. If you still have questions after visiting the Getting Started or the Business Development Center pagers, contact your Distributor Ambassador. Both of these people can be found in the App on the communication column located on the right hand side.
  • Can I schedule training?
    Contact your Distributor Relationship Manager for more information.
  • I can't find a client or policy
    If you are having trouble locating a client or policy, we recommend first confirm that the policy you are trying to identify is with one of our Carrier partners, we will only display information for our current Carrier partners. If the Carrier is on NIC, check and make sure you wrote the business through one of the Distributors that is also on NIC. If the Distributor is not on NIC you will not see the policy. If the Distributor is not on NIC you can refer us to them and we will do our best to get the Distributor onto the platform.
  • I can't find a client or policy
    If you are having trouble locating a client or policy, we recommend first confirm that the policy you are trying to identify is with one of our Carrier partners, we will only display information for our current Carrier partners. If the Carrier is on NIC, check and make sure you wrote the business through one of the Distributors that is also on NIC. If the Distributor is not on NIC you will not see the policy. If the Distributor is not on NIC you can refer us to them and we will do our best to get the Distributor onto the platform.
  • My in force data is incorrect, who do I contact?
    If your in force data is incorrect, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager. The data streams NIC receives come directly from the Carrier and are locked down, and don't allow for any changes to be made by NIC. If the data is incorrect the Carrier will want to know so they can make the changes in their system. Once they make those changes they will automatically be reflected on NIC.
  • My in force data is incorrect, who do I contact?
    If your in force data is incorrect, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager. The data streams NIC receives come directly from the Carrier and are locked down, and don't allow for any changes to be made by NIC. If the data is incorrect the Carrier will want to know so they can make the changes in their system. Once they make those changes they will automatically be reflected on NIC.
  • I am missing important data attributes?
    If your in force data is incomplete, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager. Your Distributor will work with NIC and the Carrier to try and add the additional data attributes.
  • I am missing important data attributes?
    If your in force data is incomplete, please contact your Distributor Relationship Manager. Your Distributor will work with NIC and the Carrier to try and add the additional data attributes.
  • How do I add an additional Carrier feeds?
    To add an additional carrier data feed, please contact you Distributor Relationship Manager. If the Carrier is already on NIC your Distributor needs to sign a data authorization letter to have the data feed included. If the Carrier is not currently on NIC, NIC will work with your Distributor and Carrier to try and obtain a data feed. Once a new data feed is set up you will automatically see your data.
  • How do I add an additional Carrier feeds?
    To add an additional carrier data feed, please contact you Distributor Relationship Manager. If the Carrier is already on NIC your Distributor needs to sign a data authorization letter to have the data feed included. If the Carrier is not currently on NIC, NIC will work with your Distributor and Carrier to try and obtain a data feed. Once a new data feed is set up you will automatically see your data.
  • Who can see my data?
    NIC's data access model is very restrictive. As an agent or producer, only you and your upline Distributors and Carriers can see your data. Distributors will only see the policies that you have written through them. If you have written business through multiple Distributors, each Distributor will only see those policies written through them. Carriers will only see their policies, they will not see any policies that you wrote through other Carriers.
  • Who can see my data?
    NIC's data access model is very restrictive. As an agent or producer, only you and your upline Distributors and Carriers can see your data. Distributors will only see the policies that you have written through them. If you have written business through multiple Distributors, each Distributor will only see those policies written through them. Carriers will only see their policies, they will not see any policies that you wrote through other Carriers.
  • Can the Carriers see my data?
    Carriers are able to view their own policy data only. Carriers can also see your profile and information about your book of business with them.
  • Can the Carriers see my data?
    Carriers are able to view their own policy data only. Carriers can also see your profile and information about your book of business with them.
  • How often is the data updated?
    The frequency of the data updates is dependent on the Carrier. Most feeds are updated daily but there are a couple of feeds that are only updated monthly. You will see data based on the close of business from the previous business day.
  • How often is the data updated?
    The frequency of the data updates is dependent on the Carrier. Most feeds are updated daily but there are a couple of feeds that are only updated monthly. You will see data based on the close of business from the previous business day.
  • Where does the in force data come from?
    All of NICs feeds are directly from the life Carriers. NIC has established a secure connection with each Carrier and the Carrier send the data to NIC through a secure, Carrier approved channel.
  • Where does the in force data come from?
    All of NICs feeds are directly from the life Carriers. NIC has established a secure connection with each Carrier and the Carrier send the data to NIC through a secure, Carrier approved channel.
  • How far back does the data feed go?
    The data feed should include all policies ever written with each Carrier going back to inception. Many Agents are seeing policies written 30 or 40 years ago.
  • How far back does the data feed go?
    The data feed should include all policies ever written with each Carrier going back to inception. Many Agents are seeing policies written 30 or 40 years ago.
  • If I write a new policy, how long before it shows up on NIC?
    As soon as the policy goes in force the Carrier data feeds are updated with the new information, typically on the next business day. The frequency of the data updates to NIC is dependent on the Carrier. Most feeds are updated daily but there are a couple of feeds that are only updated monthly. You will see data based on the close of business from the previous business day.
  • If I write a new policy, how long before it shows up on NIC?
    As soon as the policy goes in force the Carrier data feeds are updated with the new information, typically on the next business day. The frequency of the data updates to NIC is dependent on the Carrier. Most feeds are updated daily but there are a couple of feeds that are only updated monthly. You will see data based on the close of business from the previous business day.
  • What happens to my data if I stop doing business with a BGA?
    If you as and Agent stops doing business with a Distributor, the Distributor can still see the data because the policy was written through them. Unless there has been a change at the Carrier level, the policies will still come through under the Distributor you have stopped doing business with.
  • What happens to my data if I stop doing business with a BGA?
    If you as and Agent stops doing business with a Distributor, the Distributor can still see the data because the policy was written through them. Unless there has been a change at the Carrier level, the policies will still come through under the Distributor you have stopped doing business with.
  • If I do business with more than one Distributor, how can I see all my data in one place?
    In order to see the data the Distributor must be on the NIC platform. If you do business or have previously done business with a Distributor and you cannot see the data, please refer them to NIC and we will do our best to get them onto the platform. Once they are on the platform you will automatically see your data.
  • If I do business with more than one Distributor, how can I see all my data in one place?
    In order to see the data the Distributor must be on the NIC platform. If you do business or have previously done business with a Distributor and you cannot see the data, please refer them to NIC and we will do our best to get them onto the platform. Once they are on the platform you will automatically see your data.
  • What happens if there are multiple Agents on a policy?
    If there are multiple Agents on a policy, each Agent on the policy will see the policy.
  • What happens if there are multiple Agents on a policy?
    If there are multiple Agents on a policy, each Agent on the policy will see the policy.
  • What if I write business through multiple Distributors?
    As long as the Distributor is on NIC you should see the business that you wrote through the Distributor. If you do not see the in force information you can refer the Distributor to NIC and we will try to get the Distributor on board. As soon as the Distributor gets onto the NIC Platform you will automatically see your additional data.
  • What if I write business through multiple Distributors?
    As long as the Distributor is on NIC you should see the business that you wrote through the Distributor. If you do not see the in force information you can refer the Distributor to NIC and we will try to get the Distributor on board. As soon as the Distributor gets onto the NIC Platform you will automatically see your additional data.
  • What if there is a change to a policy, will I be notified?
    NIC does capture policy changes and those changes will automatically be reflected in the policy details as the changes are received. To receive a notification about a change you need to subscribe to the Policy Watch feature. See Accessing NIC section How do I subscribe to Policy Watch? question on more details.
  • What if there is a change to a policy, will I be notified?
    NIC does capture policy changes and those changes will automatically be reflected in the policy details as the changes are received. To receive a notification about a change you need to subscribe to the Policy Watch feature. See Accessing NIC section How do I subscribe to Policy Watch? question on more details.
  • What are the policies with unknown status?
    Most Carrier will provide status changes when a policy changes status e.g. from 'in force' to 'lapse pending' and NIC organizes the policies based on their status. However, there are cases where policies are simply 'dropped' from Carrier data feeds without status change. The policies are displayed on NIC with a new status; ‘unknown’.
  • What are the policies with unknown status?
    Most Carrier will provide status changes when a policy changes status e.g. from 'in force' to 'lapse pending' and NIC organizes the policies based on their status. However, there are cases where policies are simply 'dropped' from Carrier data feeds without status change. The policies are displayed on NIC with a new status; ‘unknown’.
  • What if a policy was terminated prior to NIC receiving the in force data from a Carrier, will I see those policies?
    No, when NIC request the Carrier data, the Carrier sends us all active in force policies for the Agent. The Carrier is unable to go back in time and generate a feed that includes previously terminated policies. Once NIC starts receiving a Carrier data feed for an Agent we keep track of all policies regardless of status. If a policy changes status from active (in force) to terminated or any other status, NIC will receive that data in the daily data feeds and the status will be reflected on NIC.
  • What if a policy was terminated prior to NIC receiving the in force data from a Carrier, will I see those policies?
    No, when NIC request the Carrier data, the Carrier sends us all active in force policies for the Agent. The Carrier is unable to go back in time and generate a feed that includes previously terminated policies. Once NIC starts receiving a Carrier data feed for an Agent we keep track of all policies regardless of status. If a policy changes status from active (in force) to terminated or any other status, NIC will receive that data in the daily data feeds and the status will be reflected on NIC.
  • Can I load my data into my CRM?
    Most CRM applications support the uploading of data. To upload your data you will first need to extract it into a .csv or excel format. To extract your data you need to subscribe for the Data Extract feature. Subscribe to NIC Data Extracts
  • Can I load my data into my CRM?
    Most CRM applications support the uploading of data. To upload your data you will first need to extract it into a .csv or excel format. To extract your data you need to subscribe for the Data Extract feature. Subscribe to NIC Data Extracts
  • Can I extract my data to a CSV.?
    Yes, you can extract data into a .CSV file, it is a function available on almost every screen. If you want to learn more extracting CSV's, please subscribe to the Data Extract package or refer to the Business Development page for more information:
  • Can I download my data into excel?
    Your have an option to download your data to a .csv, which can be opened in excel. You have the option of saving the file as an excel file as well. To learn more about data extracts, please refer to the Business Development page.
  • What browsers does NIC support?
    NIC supports: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
  • Can I access BGA and Carrier forms, tools and other apps with NIC?
    Yes, we have a resource section in each BGA and Carrier profile where they can upload links to forms, tools and agent websites. To learn more about using these forms, tools and other apps with NIC, check out our Business Development page.
  • Can I run an inforce illustration on NIC?
    Some of the carriers have provided us with links to their illustration service center or request forms. You can find these by clicking on the Carrier's profile and looking through their Resources tab to see if they've provided a link. Please note that each Carrier customizes their own profiles, including what links and documents they share within the platform.
  • What insurance products does NIC support?
    NIC supports the following Life products: Universal Life, Variable Ul, Indexed UL, Whole Life, Term 10, 15, 20, 25 35 etc.. NIC also supports the following Annuity products: Fixed, Fixed Indexed and Variable Annuities.
  • Can I make a policy change on NIC?
    No, this is still a very manual process and requires you to work directly with each Carrier to make a policy change using their websites or forms. We are speaking with Carriers about an integration to enable you to initiate a policy change on NIC but this functionality is not yet available.

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